I’m thinking of changing the name of these posts to “5 on Whenever I Get Around To It”.
- This week Noah has been pointing at things and jabbering. Sometimes it’s because he wants something, others just because he wants to talk about it. The last couple days he’s begun saying “That!” or even “wan’ that!” when he is pointing out something he wants.
- Mom, the kids, and I took a couple days this week to visit my aunt and uncle a few hours away. We try to get there a couple times each year, but it had been more than a year since we’d been there this time. The visit was lovely. We took the kids to a charming little zoo and beautiful playground, we ate good food, and we spent hours just visiting. The “just visiting” is my favorite part, because my aunt and uncle are two of my favorite people. It’s a joy to spend time with them.
- Toward the end of the visit Aria dropped a heavy flashlight directly on the bone of my big toe. Same foot I broke a toe on in the spring. At first I thought it was just a bruise, but now I’m not so sure. I’m back to wearing a boot for a while. Sometimes you just gotta laugh.
- But you know what did not make me laugh? When I came into the living room on Thursday to find some of Aria’s beautiful ringlets lying on the floor. I nearly cried. When I asked her if she’d cut her hair, she said, “Yeah, I did.” <searching my face> “Is that okay?” I told her that no, it wasn’t okay, and she immediately and sincerely replied with an “I’m sorry”. We had a talk about how only Nana is allowed to cut her hair (she’s our hair stylist). I think the message will stick. Thankfully, Aria’s curly hair disguises the unevenness, but I’m still a little heartbroken over the loss of those hard-earned curls. It took forever for her hair to grow to this length.
- Andy and I have kind of abandoned the Whole 30. Not entirely, but it wouldn’t be fair to call it that at this point, I think. We’ve had a lot of good talks over the past couple weeks about our eating habits, and we both feel comfortable with where we’re at moving forward. We are continuing to eat primarily according to the Whole 30 rules, and I think we will indefinitely, but we are also allowing ourselves off-roads as appropriate. Our goal in starting the Whole 30 was to kick our cravings and get a better handle on our diets, and we’ve both done that.
That picture on the left is tuna salad on lettuce leaves. Surprisingly satisfying. The tuna recipe was from Well Fed 2, and the lettuce leaves gave a great texture to the meal. The top right picture is fajita chicken and veggies, which we ate over cauliflower rice. Scrumptious. The bottom right picture is zucchini cut into spaghetti noodles. We had that for dinner Thursday night, and we didn’t love it. It was okay, but mostly just made us realize it wasn’t actually spaghetti. Aria refused to eat the noodles at all. Only Noah loved it, probably because he’s only had real spaghetti a couple times in his life.