31 Days: Nickel Creek and Switchfoot

In honor of my first Switchfoot concert, which I am attending this evening, today’s 31 Days post is dedicated to my two favorite bands of all time (okay, all nearly-28-years I’ve currently lived).

Plumfield Dreams: Nickel Creek and SwitchfootNickel Creek – This bluegrass/folk group is absolutely my favorite band by far. I doubt any group will ever replace them in my heart. My sis and I saw them live 6 or 7 times in a two year period before they broke up in 2007. We converted many friends to fans, and at one point took a group of 11 people to a concert. We should have earned a commission. Nickel Creek consisted of a brother (Sean Watkins – guitar) and sister (Sara Watkins – fiddle) and a friend (Chris Thile – mandolin). They grew up playing together, and eventually developed a sound entirely their own. They’re actually difficult to categorize, but their roots were in bluegrass. I could probably write multiple posts about this group, because they have so much depth. In fact, at 32-years-old, Chris Thile is widely considered to be the greatest mandolinist of all time. Currently each member is working on their own projects, though I (of course) hope they will eventually get back together. In the meantime, you might enjoy these videos: NC covers Britney SpearsWhen You Come Back Down | Reasons Why

Plumfield Dreams: Nickel Creek and SwitchfootSwitchfoot – This California rock band is entirely different from Nickel Creek. Lead singer Jon Foreman’s voice just resonates with me. The best singers of any genre have layers to their sound, and Jon definitely qualifies. I’ve seen him live in his side project band (see below), and got a kick out of his laidback, quintessential surf-dude presence on stage. It will be interesting to see if he’s the same when he’s performing with Switchfoot. These guys have been together since 1996, churning out one great album after another. Their music is FUN, and their lyrics are poetic and often profound. These songs speak to many stages and emotions, and have been the soundtrack to some of the best and hardest times of my life. Here’s a taste of the profound: Faust, Midas and Myself, and the profoundly catchy: Mess of Me.

Honorable mention:

  • DC Talk – This group was such a huge part of my childhood and teenage years I couldn’t have a post like this without including them. I still love their music and lyrics, and listening to it feels like being with old friends. Classic: Luv is a Verb and Colored People.
  • Fiction Family – 1/3 of Nickel Creek and 1/5 of Switchfoot are the combined creative force behind Fiction Family, a side project for both men. How many people get so lucky that members of their two favorite bands form another band? I mean, seriously. Check them out: When She’s Near.

You can find more of my favorites from all these groups on my YouTube playlist.

2 thoughts on “31 Days: Nickel Creek and Switchfoot

  1. Pingback: 31 Days: Fading West Trailer | Plumfield DreamsPlumfield Dreams

  2. Pingback: 31 Days of Mood Music | Plumfield DreamsPlumfield Dreams

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