Aria drank out of her own mug all by herself for the first time the other night. We gave her a mug we don’t love and didn’t mind if she broke. That worked out well, because it turns out a mug with a handle on one side and a rooster head sticking out the other is a big hit with a toddler. She did quite well, not evening spilling until she tipped it up to drain the last bit. The mug contained hot chocolate, another first. Sorry about the fuzzy photo. It’s sort of hard to get a decent picture on a phone of a toddler in motion.
The past several weeks have been busy to the point we are all living sort of off-kilter. I’m looking forward to October, when things should start to slow down enough we can reestablish routine.
Aria has started attaching to lovies. She’s been attached to the particular blanket she sleeps with for a few months now. Suddenly she also wants to sleep with her Taggie (those Amazon prices are absurd, please don’t buy one from there – you can get them at Target) and a Garfield doll. She was originally sleeping with a Garfield of her dad’s that is not intended to be cuddly, so her dad got her a Garfield of her very own. It’s precious, because she understands Garfield is a daddy thing.
You’ve probably noticed that I’m writing a series called “31 Days of Mood Music”. The idea behind the series is to challenge myself to write every day in October. It’s been a bit tough so far, but not as bad I thought it might be. Of course, we’ll see how things shape up as I continue through the month. Ideally I would make this an annual commitment. I’m easing myself into the concept with a series that lends itself to lists. I’d love to do future series on more meaty issues.
I’ve hit that post-pregnancy phase where none of my clothes fit. Maternity clothes are too big (and I have a significant stomach still, so they can really make me look like I’m still pregnant), but my regular clothes are too small. I only have about 14 lbs more to lose to reach my pre-pregnancy weight, but somehow it doesn’t look like it. I have a feeling it’s got something to do with fitting a 10+ lb, 22 1/2-inch baby on my 5’4″ frame (again). It’s a bit discouraging to be between clothes, even though it’s normal…so I’ve used it as an excuse to buy myself some pretty new fall clothes!
TV shows have premiered for the fall! I am excited for the return of some shows we enjoy, such as NCIS and Parks & Recreation, and also for some new shows like Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Crazy Ones. Of course, we barely have any time to watch television, so the shows are just piling up on our DVR…but I’m still excited to know they’re there, and I’m not worried – we’ll get caught up on them next summer. 😉
In last week’s post about devotions I promised to post a photo when we got the shelf up in our dining room to house our Bibles. Eventually there will be a pie safe under the shelf (currently in the garage awaiting some TLC). I’m pleased to have all these materials off my dining room table, where I had to shift them multiple times a day. We also now have a beautiful light outside our back door, lighting in the future living area in the addition, and a lock on our basement door.
2 thoughts on “7 Quick Takes (5 October 2013 Edition)”
Great pics! You need more Bibles.
Never fear! We have many more, these are only the ones we use most often. 😉