Christian Parenting Ebook Bundle

Bundle #46: Christian Parenting

This week’s bundle includes encouragement for the weary mom, practical parenting tips and devotions to help you focus your heart even from the trenches of parenthood.

Get all five of these ebooks at a discount of more than 70% off:

Parenting from the Overflow by Teri Lynne Underwood
In Parenting from the Overflow, Teri Lynne offers a biblically-based framework for living in the abundance God has for each of us…and modeling that life for our children.Rather than focusing on tips and techniques, she explores how our lives can overflow with qualities such as love, patience, grace, and courage — all rooted in God’s work in us, not our efforts or abilities. This is a practical and encouraging ebook, filled with honest stories from her own journey of learning to lean into God so the overflow of Him pours onto those around her.

Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford
Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom.

The Heart of Simplicity by various authors
Today’s typical lifestyle is marked by busyness, consumerism, and stress. We, as women, often complain that there’s not enough time to “do it all.” Do we suffer from a lack of time? No. We suffer from a lack of eternal perspective. How we invest our time on earth will impact eternity in a million ways. In The Heart of Simplicity, more than a dozen Christian women share their experience simplifying their lives from the inside out to build homemaking foundations focused on Christ. When we are faithful to focus on what is truly essential in our homemaking, we can build an eternal legacy…one simple day at a time.

Refuel Your Inner SuperMom by Rosann Cunningham
Refuel Your Inner SuperMom offers practical advice and encouragement for the mom who strives to do and be her best but who, due to the often overwhelming chaos of life, has simply lost her focus, her motivation and her groove. Take the journey with Rosann as she shares the depths of her heart and her own failures in motherhood, marriage and life, while taking positive, intentionally focused steps to getting her SuperMom groove back. This isn’t your average “How to Become SuperMom” book; it’s written and designed in a way that allows it to be more of a journey of self-discovery and intentionally focused lifestyle change — for the better. And all for the glory of God.

The Family Table by Arabah Joy
The Family Table is a beautifully designed ebook packed with over 50 ideas, activities, games, and recipes to spark intimacy, connection, laughter, service, hospitality, and making memories as a family. Arabah gives you a sneak peek into what other families are doing to revolutionize their time around the family table as well as the tools you need to approach your mealtimes intentionally as well.

The Christian Parenting bundle is only available through 8am EST on Monday, 11/18. Get yours today!

An Open Letter to My Children

Plumfield Dreams ~ An Open Letter to My ChildrenOn Sunday we dedicated you to the Lord before our blood family and our church family. We did it because we wanted to make a public statement that the Lord is your true Father, and has entrusted you to us to shape and mold in His likeness. We wanted to make it clear we know to Whom you belong, and we are committed to the hard work of loving you into His kingdom.

At the end of the dedication, your grandpa said that each of his children is a better person than he is. I hope he’s right. Your grandfather is a wonderful man. Your dad and I are blessed to have been raised in wonderful families. But I still hope he’s right, because that’s how it should be. Because he and your grandmother were faithful, the Lord has honored their faithfulness by growing their children just a little bit past their scope. And that’s my prayer for you, too. I pray that you will grow to be better people than your dad and I.

Sometimes I get nervous because I can see the ways in which life could be very difficult for you if you choose to follow Jesus with the abandon I hope you will. And that’s exactly why I want you to be a better person than I am. Because the more you are abandoned to Him, the more He can ask of you. I read recently that we give with abandon to our children because the more we give the more we can require. So as you grow we are going to do our best to pour into you with love and patience and grace, to show you Jesus through our lives, with the prayer that the Lord would turn you into people who are so filled up with His love that He can require far more from you than He could have from your grandparents or your parents.

I pray you are joyful about following the Lord wherever He leads you. I have so many hopes and dreams for you, and I’m sure those will grow along with you over time. Ultimately, though, the only thing that matters is that you love the Lord with your everything.

We sing this song with our church family, and whenever we do I pray that these are sentiments that will guide you passionately through life.

To know and follow hard after You
To grow as Your disciple in the truth
This world is empty pale and poor
Compared to knowing You, my Lord
Lead me on and I will run after You

I love you the most there is.

Quick Takes: The One Where I Burst Into Tears

  • Aria’s stomach bug stuck with her for more than a week. It morphed over time, but she didn’t start to seem as though she was getting better until Monday. Yesterday she ate like a horse, albeit a very picky one, and was generally discontented the entire time. Andy has been working long hours the first few days of this week, so I’ve had her alone during all her waking hours the last couple days, and yesterday was rough. By dinnertime I just wanted to go to bed, and the dam broke for a few seconds as Aria basically yelled at me because I couldn’t figure out what she would eat. My own food was getting cold, I hadn’t accomplished much all day except trying to keep her from having a total meltdown, and I was done. As I headed to the fridge for what felt like the 100th time that day, I dissolved into tears for a few seconds. While I cleaned up the food she had rejected by throwing it on the floor, I prayed aloud, “Lord, please give me some extra grace here so I can give it to Aria, because I’ve run out”. And He did. He always does. We made it to bedtime, which last night was 6:15 – that’s how rough our day was – and I was able to put her down with tenderness and a smile. Then I went in my bedroom, turned on the TV, sat down on the floor with my work, and unwound. Don’t get me wrong, I had some “please just stop whining at me!” and “Aria, I hear you, now be quiet” moments yesterday. And the praying aloud thing was a conscious decision, because I started to pray it silently and then decided it would be good for Aria to hear her mommy asking the Lord for what she needed. This morning Aria woke up an entirely different person. She’s been sweet and cuddly and easy all day. We even hung out at the tire place for over an hour, and she was an absolute doll. I didn’t have to say the word “no”, or anything close to it a single time. We are such changeable creatures.
  • My appointment with Stephanie last Thursday was excellent. Everything is measuring right on, and Noah and I are doing well. Chatting with Stephanie and the practice’s newest midwife eased my fears about birthing at the center this time. I am nervous given our last experience, though I know all the reasons I don’t need to be. Hearing those reasons affirmed from these wise women, especially Stephanie, who’s been there for everything, was just what I needed. And, as Stephanie pointed out, I’ve already had the worst case scenario, so we know exactly what we’ll do should it happen and that we can handle it. 🙂 My next appointment is in two weeks, when I will hit the 3rd trimester and start going in every two weeks.
  • I’ve felt my pregnancy much more this past week than any time previous. I think (and hope) the increased symptoms are my mind and body’s response to how exhausting a week with a sick toddler has been. If that’s the case, I should see some improvement in the next several days. I’m still doing well, but I’ve gone from feeling what I would typically describe as great to slightly concerned at how rapidly my symptoms are suddenly picking up. Symptoms: exhaustion, swelling, achiness, moodiness…yep, see, I look at that list and I’m thinking it’s because I’ve been carrying around a 25 lb needy appendage for the past week… I’ll let you know next week whether I was correct. 🙂

 BabyFruit TickerDown to the double digits until my due date!

  • What with all of the above, I haven’t made any progress to speak of on the housework. I also haven’t made any real progress here on the blog. I’m bummed about that, because of all my detailed plans, but it can’t be helped. I have a lot on my proverbial plate, and blogging just has to be one of the last priorities right now. Though I love it and would prefer for it to be one of the highest priorities, it doesn’t take care of Aria, pay bills, or meet any other obligations. It’s for fun, and it’s time-consuming fun at that. I will get to the point where I am getting my posts from the written page to the screen, but this week is not that point. On the plus side, the contractors have made huge progress. They’re thisclose to done. A little bit of decorative siding on the front of the house, and our gutters and downspouts, and they’re outta here! I think we may get a reprieve for a few days, if not a week or two, because they are waiting for that decorative siding to arrive. The house looks fantastic. When it gets actually nice outside I’ll snap some pictures to show you.
  • Despite illness, we had a great Easter with our families. It was laidback and I liked that.
