Five on Friday: The One with the Nickel Creek Concert

5 on Friday ~ Plumfield Dreams

  1. We made Against All Grain’s guacamole this week, and it. is. fantastic. I also recently learned from my bff that you can freeze avocados. Given that the price fluctuates like mad, and those suckers have a short ripeness window, I was excited to learn that! You can freeze in chunks or pureed. Just scoop ’em out (if they’re perfectly ripe you can just squeeze them out, if you are looking to mash them anyway), add some lemon or lime juice to help them maintain color, mash/puree them if that’s your preference, and pop them in the freezer. I did read they are not good for eating plain after they’ve been frozen, because the texture changes; however, they’re still supposed to be great for using in things. I have some in my freezer right now. I’ll let you know how they are when we use them!
  2. We have gotten to play outside some this week – praise God! I am so tired of being indoors, and so are the kids. The biggest development this week is that Noah is suddenly enamored with his ability to clap. It’s pretty cute. Kids Clapping ~ Plumfield Dreams
  3. There’s a new real foods grocery in the city closest to our small town. It’s grand opening is this week, and the kids and I happened to be nearby yesterday morning, so we stopped in to check it out. $75 later, we left as happy customers. The store, Earth Fare, appears to have everything a clean eating family could want, including a large salad and hot meal bar. They even have a family dinner evening, with a different specialty each week, during which kids eat free. While I was reading labels a friendly lady I believe may have been the owner came up and popped a bag of kale popcorn open for Aria to try, then gave us the entire bag on the house. They also have an antipasti and olive bar that is lovely. I sampled a couple of the olive options, and we filled a bento box for Andy, because he loves olives. Some things are overpriced, but you’ll get that everywhere. They run sales and coupons, and it’s clear they intend to take great care of their customers. Their marketing is fantastic, too. That probably doesn’t matter to you, but it thrills me. We’ll go back. Earth Fare Olive Bar ~ Plumfield Dreams
  4. This week has been bonkers. Between my rehearsals and going to the Nickel Creek concert, which was in Indy, I’ve been busy every night. With my toe requiring elevation, our house has remained a mess. I mean an unprecedented mess. It’s a disaster zone around here. I’m struggling even to keep up with work. It’s just been crazy busy ’round here, y’all. I expect next week will feel blissful…once I get the house picked up and the laundry done.
  5. Nickel Creek May 7, 2014 ~ Plumfield DreamsIf you’ve been reading this blog with any regularity, you know I love Nickel Creek. LOVE Nickel Creek. (Is there a way to make that stronger?) The group split 6 1/2 years ago, for an indefinite hiatus. I assumed it would last a long time, because all three members are in-demand on their own. Happily, though, they decided to honor the 25th anniversary of their start as a band by recording an EP. Then, when they sat down to write they found themselves with a full-length album. So they recorded it, and started plans for a small tour. Which turned into a large tour. They came to Indianapolis last night, and my siblings and I, along with a close friend, were able to be in attendance. I’ve seen Nickel Creek perform more than a half dozen times together, and each of the members in other shows, as well. Last night ranked as one of, if not the, best I’ve seen them perform. We had fantastic seats – seventh row, and I was exactly in the center. I have so many thoughts and emotions about the experience I don’t even know what to say. I cried multiple times from the joy of listening to them play live. Their music is intelligent and emotional, and they are consummate performers. I enjoyed every second of the show and left feeling overwhelmingly privileged to have spent the evening there. I don’t know how to narrow down the YouTube videos to share just one with you – I would fall down the rabbit hole – so I’ll just leave you this link to all things Nickel Creek.

1 thought on “Five on Friday: The One with the Nickel Creek Concert

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