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I work for a university, which means I am in the midst of the busiest time of year, workwise. Our personal life has been chaotic this month, with two separate (but sadly equal) bouts with illness in our family, and two deaths close to us. It feels sort of strange to be retrospective right now, because I still have my head down going full-tilt. If I stop too long I fear I’ll lose all my momentum and end up curled up under a big blanket reading a novel, while I listen to music through giant, noise-canceling headphones. <I can’t he-ear you!>
Can you tell I’ve given this some thought?
What I’m Reading
Busyness has kept me from being a prolific reader the last couple months, but what I have read has been uncommonly good. I’ve devoured these books.
The Silkworm ~ The latest from Robert Galbraith, the J.K. Rowling mystery pseudonym. Interestingly, I thought this one felt more like a Rowling book than her first under the pseudonym. I wonder if she let herself go back that direction a bit once everyone knew it was her doing the writing? By no means did it detract; Rowling is a master storyteller, regardless of the name on the cover. This one is quite adult in content. If you are a sensitive reader, you’ll probably want to pass it up.
The Book Thief ~ This book is considered young adult, presumably because the protagonist is young, but like all good literature it transcends its label. Unusually voiced, it is a haunting account of the power of words. Read it.
A Homemade Life ~ Beautiful food memoir with thoroughly-described recipes. Wizenberg is a master of her craft.
Currently reading: Dear Mr Knightley; At Home; My Bookstore; Notes from a Blue Bike; The Nesting Place
Read in June: Since I never got my June post up, I’ll tell you here that Bread & Wine and The Rosie Project are so very worth reading. Get Bread & Wine in the hardcover – you’ll be glad you did.
What I’m Listening To
Sister and I (and some friends) went to another Nickel Creek concert. I am telling you. I could do that monthly for the rest of my life and it would not get old, because they are GOOD, and they just keep getting better.
I watched Andrew Lloyd Webber: 40 Musical Years on YouTube, and now I’m on a musical theatre kick. It’s the dominant music of my youth, so now it is nostalgic in addition to being plain ol’ fantastic and oh, so singable. (I’ve started treating our lives as though they were sung-through. Aria (2 1/2) is not always the biggest fan of my propensity to sing absentmindedly all the time, and today when I sang to her that I was getting her out of her carseat, she looked at me with her “No, I don’t like it” face and sang back at me, “Noo-ooo-ooo”.)
Around the Web
While I think the title is a bit hyperbolic, there are some amazing places on this list of 17 Bookstores that will Literally Change Your Life.
I’ve decided to read the title as though it were being said by Chris Traeger.
I hate clutter, and it’s been driving me nuts, but I still needed this kick in the pants to clear off my kitchen counters. A serious cleaning-out is in order.
Good, good advice on How to Really Give Our Children an Education, from a woman who has earned the right to give it.
I’m loving these posts that challenge me to be a good steward of my food resources: 9 Ways to Cook with Garbage and 3 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Eat. (Also, this post on How to Adapt a Recipe to Make it Healthier is a keeper.)
We don’t do nursery in our church, quite on purpose, so I appreciate Kendra’s advice on teaching your toddler to be with the family in the service (notice I didn’t say sit with the family).
While we’re sharing Kendra’s countercultural perspectives, I love this post about How to Marry a Man You Just Met.
What I really need to know is why is there no Jane Austen festival near me?
This post about Capturing the Once-in-a-Lifetime Moments is an inspiration to be positive and intentional in our interactions with our children.
I’m linking up with Leigh Kramer for What I’m Into. Check out the other fantastic blogs for more fun and inspiration.
You can see what else we’ve been up to this month by checking out my 5 on Friday posts:
The One with the Crazy-Busy
The One Where I Cover Three Weeks in One
The One with Noah’s First Chiropractic Appointment
The One Where I’m Finally Refreshed…Because I Went to Work
The One with the Vacation of Sorts
Some really good recommendations here. I’m going to put the JK Rowling on my wishlist. And when I looked through the 17 book stores that will change your life I saw the one In Mexico which my daughter sent me a photo of last week! Small world. Good to find your blog through Leigh Kremer’s link up.
Oh, yes, do put it on your list! If you don’t shy away from “adult”, it is a fabulous read.
The Internet certainly does shrink things, doesn’t it? I love that!
Thanks for stopping by. I am looking forward to checking out everyone else’s posts this weekend.