Okay, ladies, I took a leap and signed up for the (in)RL conference. When I tell you more about it you’re probably going to think it wasn’t much of a leap, but it felt like it to me. And there’s a subsequent larger leap I am considering – and that’s where you come in. I need your input!
(in)RL stands for “in real life”, and the idea behind this conference is to encourage women to engage in “local, real community”. Essentially, it’s a call to step away from our computers, iPads, and smartphones and spend time actually – get this – together. The conference is two days, and it’s FREE. It includes access to inspirational food-for-thought (and -chatting) webcasts from some popular bloggers. On Friday, April 26th, we are encouraged to watch the webcasts at our convenience. Then, on Saturday, April 27th, to “meetup” with women from our area. This is an opportunity to spend time enjoying one another’s company, to engage in conversation about the topics addressed in the webcasts, and to build on relationships (and make new ones).
Here’s where the bigger leap comes in. There is currently no meetup scheduled in my area. The closest meetup is in Warsaw, with others even further out than that. So I’m considering hosting the meetup myself. It would be easy to just watch the webcasts on my own, and call that good, but then that’s not really the point, is it?
What do you think? Does this sound like something you would enjoy? Will you join me?
Sounds great! I’m just not local. 🙁 I’m going to see if there is a group close to me now. Thanks for the idea!
I hope there is one, Sarah! I wish you could join me up here.
I signed up for that too! There is a meet up in my area so the pressure’s off me to have to start one! I will pray that you take that bold leap of faith to create a meetup in your area. I will also pray that others come along side you for the journey! John 16:33
Thank you so much, Jennifer!
Sounds interesting for sure!
I went to the site it seems amazing. But I am so shy. They do have a meet up in my area, maybe I should go!
Oh, I hope you do, Susie! That’s a good leap of faith for an introvert to make, yeah? It seems to me there couldn’t be a less-threatening setting in which to venture out!