Our New Journey: Changes in 2014

Our New Journey ~ Plumfield Dreams

I’m not typically a person who makes resolutions at the beginning of the year. I don’t find it helpful. This year isn’t an exception – I still won’t be making any resolutions. But, we ARE making big changes this year around our house, and it so happens some of it is lining up with the new year, so it seems like a good time to fill you in.

Clean Eating
We’ve had many months of Andy feeling worse and me struggling to determine everything that might be bothering Noah (not to mention steering clear of the things I know bother him). When it comes to my eating habits I’ve always thought I just needed to become more disciplined, but I was setting myself up for failure by having things in the house I should be avoiding. Andy and I talked it over, and we decided we are going to work together to clean up our diets moving forward. We are committing to a lifestyle change, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned about eating clean, it’s that it is a process. You can expect to hear quite a bit more about that process (starting with a detailed explanation of what I mean by “clean eating”) in the coming weeks.

P.S. If you know my husband and are wondering how we “talked it over”, I’ll tell you: I talked about it ad nauseam, from every angle, and he never disagreed with my monologue. Thus, I knew I had the go-ahead to proceed. You may be thinking, “I could never operate like that”, and I get it. I think that all the time about others’ relationships. 😉 The thing is, this approach suits his preference for not speaking and my preference for processing out loud. Everybody’s got their quirks!

Home Renovations
We are about to move forward with our interior home renovations. This is sort of a continuing journey more than a new one. A few years ago we redid the existing downstairs, and in 2013 we hired a contractor to put on an addition along with a new roof and new siding. When that work was done we added a deck, and now, finally, we get to start work on the inside of the addition and the existing upstairs.It’s going to be a long(er) process, but I am excited to get started, and am looking forward to sharing with you about it as we move through the job. I have no control over the timeline, since I am not on the work team (that would be Andy and his dad). I can’t make any promises about the frequency of my updates, but you will be getting them, with photos.

There’s more, but I’m not ready to talk about it quite yet (no, it’s not a baby). I need a little time with it myself before I’m ready to talk about it here. When the time is right, though, I’ll definitely fill you in.

I’m excited to share with you this year! If there are specific issues within these topics you’d like to chat about, please let me know!

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