Quick Takes: 33 Weeks

Last Wednesday’s post was missing on account of my getting sick – again. I don’t recall the last time I felt so poorly, which is impressive, considering how sick I got last month. (Edited: okay, so, after I published this I realized I was sick two weeks previously – when I had pre-scheduled a post – not the week before this post. Apparently I was just really overwhelmed, and more than a little confused, the week before this post, because I have no memory of why I didn’t post that week. So, um…oops.)

  • Aria has been adorable, and a complete handful, the past couple of weeks. I mean, seriously. She’s mastered the top kitchen drawers now, and today she sorted out our flatware and unrolled our wax paper. She also chewed on steel wool, and seemed to like it. So…that’s weird. We took our first trip to the zoo a couple weeks ago, and she loved it. (So did I.) We almost always go to the zoo with our friends who have a zoo membership. The mama is one of my best friends, and her daughter is three weeks younger than Aria, so we have a great time together. Let’s see…Aria has begun peeling her own fruit, and becomes frustrated if she needs help (because she never agrees she needs it). I try to sit back and let her do it unless she really needs it – most of the time it’s just my impatience, wanting to make it happen more quickly, or more neatly. I know that’s not best for her, but it takes discipline to stop myself from doing it anyway.

Plumfield Dreams: Aria Peeling Her Clementine

  • I am now 33 weeks pregnant. At my last appointment, Noah was measuring pretty much exactly on schedule, which is excellent news at this point in the pregnancy. I’ve been having increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, though they are not incredibly strong. As of two weeks ago (31 weeks), I can no longer wear my wedding ring. It still fit when I took it off, but it had gotten quite tight. I’m wearing another ring from Andy, one that is sized up from my wedding band, in the interim. If I’m lucky I’ll make it through the pregnancy with this ring on my finger.

 BabyFruit Ticker

  • My schedule this week is lighter than it has been, or will be the next couple, so I’m trying to work on getting the house basically decluttered and cleaned. Somehow, despite my supposedly lighter schedule, I have still managed to struggle with keeping up on work. I’ve gotten a little cleaning done, but not much. That’s okay – we don’t have big plans for the long weekend, so I’ll find a way to get it done. I have to get serious about getting things around for this little guy (wrapping things up at work, washing his clothes, setting up his bassinet, etc.) so we’ll be ready should he show up a little early. (Fingers crossed!)

What’s on your agenda for the holiday weekend?

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