Quick Takes: Wherein I Am Feeling Accomplishy

 BabyFruit Ticker

  • I believe I have hit the nesting phase of pregnancy. It seems a bit early to me, but in the past week I’ve suddenly been riding a wave of energy and initiative. My to-do list is quaking with fear, I’ve been putting lines through it so aggressively. My midwife appointment last week was very good. Stephanie gave me a list of herbal supplements to look into to help prepare for labor in the last weeks. Other than that, it was fairly uneventful – we’re still in good health, and Noah is still measuring normally based on fundal height. We’re on two week appointments now, and next week I have my follow-up scan to see where the placenta is placed now (since it was low the first time). I’m looking forward to another peek at Noah, and hearing how the ultrasound is currently measuring him. Stephanie is optimistic that he’ll be smaller than Aria, since I’m not having any of the problems I had in my pregnancy with her.
  • The contractors are entirely done. The gutter guy came a couple weeks ago, and the decorative siding went on the end of last week. The house looks beautiful on the outside! I love it. I thoroughly enjoy coming home just so I can look at it as I approach. We are in the planning stages for a sizable deck out back, which will be one of the next projects, I believe. I hope so, because it would be fantastic to sit out on our own deck this summer.
  • I’m particularly enjoying work right now. I think it’s knowing that leave is coming on like a freight train, which forces prioritization and intense concentration. I feel super-productive. Maybe it’s more of that nesting thing. We usually have a staff meeting one morning a week, and Mom watches Aria for me. This week we had no meeting, but Mom still volunteered to keep Aria for me and I went and spent 5 – count ’em, 5 – straight hours at Starbucks working away. I never got up once. It was pure bliss. I accomplished so much, and it was relaxing (yes, it was relaxing to work 5 hours with no break). I wouldn’t mind doing that semi-regularly. I’ve also begun taking a MOOC (massive open online course) entitled Instructional Design for Mobile Learning. It’s very interesting, and feeds my need to be constantly learning something.

I have my first guest post slot lined up! I’ll post specific information when I am able. For now, I’ll just say I’m excited!

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